Girl in the Woods: Parable #1

Girl in the Woods: Parable #1

Through parable and environmental sculpture, Girl in the Woods is an ongoing body of work that explores my personal journey through the lens of yoga philosophy and nature-based sculpture. Central to the story is a woodland character named Timberella, a lost girl who is guided by the wisdom of the forest creatures. Parable One imparts the teachings of a songbird.

Creative Freedom: Five Facets of Recovery for Artists and Makers

Creative Freedom: Five Facets of Recovery for Artists and Makers

For creatives who know what it’s like need a drink to get in the “flow,” to have stories and rules about what to make and not make, who are terribly bored by production work, or are stifled by perfectionism and making work to please others. If you are experience any of these creative blocks, here’s how to find your way back to yourself.

Resilience Is Your Brilliance: An Energetic Profit Model

Resilience Is Your Brilliance: An Energetic Profit Model

Are you feeling scattered, stressed, burnt out, or drained? When you earn a profit on personal energy, the payoffs include more time for yourself and your family. You will feel emotionally and physically better. You’ll sleep better. Energetic profit will improve your career and your performance; you feel more focused and creative. NOW is the perfect time to consider how to stop living a deficit lifestyle: choose resilience, not recession! This blog will show you how.

Clients Endorse the True Natured Creatives App by Jodi Rose Studio!

Clients Endorse the True Natured Creatives App by Jodi Rose Studio!

Unleash your artistic potential and experience the limitless joy and ease that comes with embracing your creativity. Explore the transformative effects of my new free mobile app, True Natured Creatives, and how it can help you find inner peace and unlock your artistic potential. Join our transformative community and embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery, healing, and artistic expression!

The Ancient in Ease: On Modern Life, Yoga, Archetypes, and Environmental Art

The Ancient in Ease: On Modern Life, Yoga, Archetypes, and Environmental Art

In my art-based mindfulness teachings we explore why it is imperative to first calm the body, then quiet the mind, towards deepening self-awareness and insight (as well as managing anxiety and stress). We do this through the intentional use of materials, processes, and embodiment while we work. As the mind quiets, an inner voice—what some call the True Self—can be heard. We work with that voice through specific interactive techniques (typically journaling) with the artwork. The big questions are: Are you listening? Are you living life in alignment with your True Creative Nature?

Lost and Found: The Yoga of a Giant Moss Wall

Lost and Found: The Yoga of a Giant Moss Wall

Lost and Found, the moss wall at Enclave, is a representation of the yogic path. It speaks to the journey that we’re all on, whether we ascribe to yoga philosophy or not. Presented as a bird’s eye view of a winding path in the woods, it represents the round-and-round mental patterns that keep us stuck in jobs and relationships that don’t really fit. It represents moving from depression and disconnect, through the falling away of old versions of ourselves (through intention and practice), to a new, inspired experience of alignment, contentment, and peace within. In this blog, I describe my own personal journey (which began on a horse!) and how it informs the origins of art-based mindfulness as I now teach it.

Eight Essential Keys to Unlock Your Inspiration

Eight Essential Keys to Unlock Your Inspiration

Creative Freedom: Eight Essential Keys to Unlock Inspiration are the guiding principles in establishing a game-changing personal creative practice. This is a practice not about technique, but one that reconnects you to your creativity as a source of wisdom and direction. It’s available to anyone who feels creative, at any level, in any artistic genre. This must-have mini-course is offered free of charge.

Yoga and the Healing Potential of Nature-Based Art

Yoga and the Healing Potential of Nature-Based Art

The combined practice of creativity and connection with nature is a powerful healing tool for those longing for connection; who need to calm fear and anxiety; and who want to process and move out powerful emotions. Yoga philosophy offers a unique explanation for why nature-based art is so healing—and appealing.